The Guardian view on France’s political crisis: belatedly, Macron must look left | Editorial

Haughty defiance has become Emmanuel Macron’s go-to tone during a second term marred by chaos, acrimony and recrimination. During his prime-time television address to the French nation last week, following the toppling of the centre-right prime minister he appointed only three months ago, Mr Macron loftily declined to take responsibility forContinue Reading

The Role of Digital Technology in Diabetes Prevention and Management

Baton Rouge, LA, December 07, 2024 –(– Scientists at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, along with a colleague from Peking University People’s Hospital in China, have been leading a special collection and published an editorial in Frontiers in Endocrinology, emphasizing the transformative role digital health technologies play in diabetes management and prevention.Continue Reading

Why every restaurant has the same desserts

This video is presented by Bluehost. Bluehost doesn’t influence our editorial decisions, but they make videos like this possible. When choosing a restaurant, you probably look at a few things: What type of food do they serve? How close is it? Are they allergen- or kid-friendly? You’re very likely lookingContinue Reading

Editorial: Regulators should say no — again — to Peoples Gas’ push to resume its unaffordable pipe rebuild

A little over a year ago, we wrote about how Peoples Gas’ overbudget, unaffordable pipe-replacement project needed to be rethought completely. Thankfully, the Illinois Commerce Commission, which regulates utilities, agreed and called a halt to the Chicago natural gas utility’s massive infrastructure plans. Since then, Peoples, the ICC staff andContinue Reading

English Teaching Forum 2021, Volume 59, Number 3

The authors demonstrate the importance of understanding kinds of humor that differ across cultures and offer clear suggestions for teaching three kinds—verbal irony, memes, and satirical news—with examples that can help students develop humor competency and enhance their twenty-first-century skills, including digital and media literacy. Authors: John Rucynski, Jr. andContinue Reading