English Teaching Forum 2021, Volume 59, Number 2

The author describes in detail a two-stage reading activity that incorporates authentic materials, task-based learning, and stations. The article includes ideas for adaptation and presents a number of further teaching applications. Author: Mina Gavell Format: Text Availability Task-Based Reading Activities Using Authentic Materials and Skills International Subscriptions: English Teaching ForumContinue Reading

English Teaching Forum 2021, Volume 59, Number 1

The authors discuss the complexity of identifying learning disabilities in the English language classroom, then offer four methods of instruction to support students with learning disabilities, with clear descriptions of effective strategies, and provide an extensive list of useful resources. Author: Jimalee Sowell and Larry Sugisaki Format: Text Availability InternationalContinue Reading

If you are a Small Business Owner, you better not be complaining! So yes, Mother Earth decided to press the reset button and force us all into quarantine, although that’s a topic for another discussion. The question is: What are you going to do about it? You’ve “been there andContinue Reading

The Argentine Football Association (Spanish: Asociación del Fútbol Argentino, AFA) released a great video to promote Coronavirus awareness in Argentina. Sometimes sports can convey a message better than any government agency. Granted that national soccer associations around the world usually make headlines around controversy, but this time was different, atContinue Reading