Nutrition Therapy Useful for Alcohol-Related ACLF

A recent study supports the importance of intensive nutrition therapy in managing patients with alcohol-related acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). In a randomized controlled trial, compared with standard care, dietitian-supported, intensive nutritional therapy improved survival, reduced frailty, and lowered hospitalization rates in men with alcohol-related ACLF. The study, performed by aContinue Reading

Washington, D.C., March 25, 2025) — U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins announced today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will release previously obligated funding under the Rural Energy For America Program (REAP), Empowering Rural America (New ERA) and Powering Affordable Clean Energy (PACE) programs…Read MoreContinue Reading

What Works for Low Back Pain? New Study Suggests Not Much

TOPLINE: Most nonsurgical and noninterventional treatments for low back pain failed to outperform placebo in a new systematic review and meta-analysis, with just 10% showing only modest pain relief. METHODOLOGY: Researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis using randomized placebo-controlled trials of nonsurgical and noninterventional treatments for adults with nonspecificContinue Reading

Cold EMR Safer for Colorectal Polyp Removal

TOPLINE: Cold endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) showed a superior safety profile over traditional hot EMR for large nonpedunculated colorectal polyps measuring ≥ 20 mm, with significantly lower risks of bleeding and perforation. METHODOLOGY: Although hot EMR has traditionally been the standard technique for resecting larger polyps, it is associated withContinue Reading