English Teaching Forum 2021, Volume 59, Number 2

English Teaching Forum 2021, Volume 59, Number 2

The author describes in detail a two-stage reading activity that incorporates authentic materials, task-based learning, and stations. The article includes ideas for adaptation and presents a number of further teaching applications.


Mina Gavell




Task-Based Reading Activities Using Authentic Materials and Skills

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The author points out that “even the most homogenous EFL class will have some cultural variety” and presents a “buffet” of activities designed to help students become curious about the differences they discover, analyze cultural values, and improve skills needed to communicate effectively with people of other cultures.


Ingrid Brita Mathew




Finding Heterogeneity in Cultural Homogeneity

International Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is distributed through U.S. Embassies. If you would like to subscribe to the print version of English Teaching Forum, please contact the Public Affairs or Cultural Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in your country.

U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.

This guide is designed to enrich your reading of the articles in this issue. You may choose to read them on your own, taking notes or jotting down answers to the discussion questions below. Or you may use the guide to explore the articles with colleagues.




International Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is distributed through U.S. Embassies. If you would like to subscribe to the print version of English Teaching Forum, please contact the Public Affairs or Cultural Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in your country.

U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.

The authors use peace education as a framework to present an assignment in which students read and write about a peacemaker “to reflect on the meaning of peace and how it can be achieved.”


Jimalee Sowell and Bishwa Raj Gautam




Writing about a Peacemaker

International Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is distributed through U.S. Embassies. If you would like to subscribe to the print version of English Teaching Forum, please contact the Public Affairs or Cultural Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in your country.

U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.

The author explains how to use an asynchronous video app, then describes two specific tasks—one collaborative, the other dialogic—that teachers and students can carry out with the app.


Anna Ciriani-Dean




Using an Asynchronous Video App to Stimulate Spontaneous Oral Interaction

International Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is distributed through U.S. Embassies. If you would like to subscribe to the print version of English Teaching Forum, please contact the Public Affairs or Cultural Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in your country.

U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.

Here’s a way to get students talking while at the same time preparing them to write opinionated essays: using “place mats” as a starting point for expressing, sharing, and supporting opinions.


Michael Horvilleur and Hiram Ruvalcaba




Using “Place Mats” as a Prewriting Activity for Opinionated Essays

International Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is distributed through U.S. Embassies. If you would like to subscribe to the print version of English Teaching Forum, please contact the Public Affairs or Cultural Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in your country.

U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.

Learn how Bojana Nikić Vujić has made her mark as a teacher trainer, television personality, and textbook author—and as an English teacher at Ivo Andrić Elementary School in suburban Belgrade.


Ivana Banković and Kevin McCaughey



This is a step-by-step guide to helping students use online breakout rooms to work in groups to become “experts” in a topic, then share their knowledge with other students in a jigsaw format, as a way to interact and prepare to give more formal presentations.


Terence McLean




Online Breakout Rooms: Jigsaw Discussions and Presentation Practice

International Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is distributed through U.S. embassies. If you would like to subscribe to the print version of English Teaching Forum, please contact the Public Affairs or Cultural Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in your country.

U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.

Last week, “Sophie” completed tasks related to every article in this issue of Forum. Can you find the order in which she completed the tasks?




The Lighter Side: Sophie’s Seven Tasks

International Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is distributed through U.S. embassies. If you would like to subscribe to the print version of English Teaching Forum, please contact the Public Affairs or Cultural Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in your country.

U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.

Kristin Lems, an award-winning teacher, singer, and songwriter, describes the appeal of lyric videos in this article and offers teaching suggestions for using these music-based videos with learners of various ages and skill levels.


Kristin Lems




Lyric Videos: Sound, Image, and Meaning for English Language Learners

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